FIM Family Trophy 2020-2021
This newly introduced FIM Trophy is for projects that cover both sporting and non‐sporting areas, but that must be of particular relevance for the development of motorcycling activities. Hence the FIM wishes to recognise those who are significant players in the following areas:
- Innovative projects in the motorcycling World at large
- Promotion, training and competitive activities for young people
- Improving safety in motorcycling
- Improving sustainability in motorcycling
- Improving diversity and inclusion in motorcycling
- Extending visibility and diffusing motorcycling activities in the world (ex: TV programmes, social media, exhibitions, etc.)
- Developing/using new technologies (medical, technical, etc.).
- Use of electric motorcycles and bicycles
- Promotion of good behaviour and fair play in motorcycling
2020 Candidates
- ACCR-General Youth Education in Motorcycling
- DMSB-FIM E Bike Enduro World Cup- Special Projects E-disciplines Concept
- FMP-Talent Detection and development project
- MA-Come 'n' Try Motorcycling Australia
2021 Candidates
- ACCR-The First Journey
- CBM-Zero Carbon Project
- EMF-EMF Video Channel
- LMSF-Young people and women
- NASA-Two-wheel Touring & Safety Riding Initiatives in Nepal
- SMF-GREEN CLASS - environmental education of young riders during motorcycle events and training camps

FIM Environmental Trophy
The FIM Environment Trophy 2021 recognises those who have significantly contributed to the preservation and protection of the environment, encouraging a greater awareness of environmental concerns. All of our candidates have done this either through the organization of sustainable events, by significantly promoting, publicizing or supporting the Ride Green Programme, or by enhancing the sustainable practice of motorcycling in another way – making significant contributions to pollution prevention, recycling, green purchasing, addressing environmental and social issues through sport and the generation of development of alternative energy, amongst other key issues.
FIM Enduro GP France 2019, Kiss Ambert - France
With a total of thirteen stakeholders involved this national programme was based on the three key pillars of economic, social and environmental to create a sustainable event. Whilst this project was centred on one event the foundations were such that it can be replicated in other regions and disciplines and with the potential to shift the focus. More than twenty thousand spectators and three hundred riders were involved in the event which benefitted from a multimedia communication plan and received an award from the FFM.
Federazione Motociclistica Italiana “A fast race towards sustainibility” - Italy
The FMI directly organises or participates in many projects related to increasing sustainability in the motorcycling world, awareness and responsibility in all its stakeholders. The project named “A fast race towards sustainability” include Scientific project aimed to the Protection of soil and biodiversity. This paper study the effects on environment and biodiversity to ignite mitigation and restoration actions before, during and after off-road motorcycle event. Sound level reduction technical analysis and report of Italian Autodromes. Analyse the level of noise emissions with the aim of reduction. And also in enduro event to mitigate the effects on biodiversity and and accomplish with National regulations. Environmental education - Since 2016, the FMI’s Environment Commission has launched a training project for Environmental Delegates. The Environmental Delegates are involved in national sporting events with the task of verifying compliance with the FMI’s Environmental Regulation and educating all the stakeholders involved in the planning organisation and participation of sporting events. Moreover, they achieved a protocol with ISPRA - Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research; and the protocol with the “Arma dei Carabinieri forestale" a Italian Unit command for forest, environmental and agro-food protection.
MXGP - Spain
Part of the globe covering 2020 FIM Motocross World Championship, MXGP Spain had a purpose beyond the sporting aspect. Hence one of the main goals was to organise the event whilst taking care and following the strictest measures as regards to the protection of the environment and under a strict Pandemia control. Parallel to the event organiser checklist, a complete programme was carried out aimed at protecting the environment, sustainability and public awareness on an issue as sensitive as the environment. The status of the event meant that the programme had international scope, and with the measures adopted being simple to implement and it could be adopted in a mandatory manner in all competitions at this level and in all countries. The initiatives over the weekend included; eight big size environmental map graphics available in the venue, designated Environmental Coordinator from the organisation company, one hundred metres separation from event set up and Natural Park, all generators installed with environmental mat underneath, fenced and noise reduction system, A big waste collection point for recycling available in the paddock, activation of reforestation plan: forty planted trees in the venue.
Rally Atacama - Chile
The Atacama Rally was born in 2011 and was part of the National Cross Country Rally Championship in Chile. In 2013 it moved to being part of the Continental Championship and since 2015, it has been part of the FIM Cross Country Rally World Championship. In 2017, the programme “I look after the Desert” started a conservation programme that consists of reinforcing the environmental measures adopted by the organisation and contributing through education, awareness-raising and action to clean up the desert. Since then, more than five tonnes of garbage have been removed and then deposited in legal landfills and recycling points. With a truly global outreach this programme has the potential to be in other regions, disciplines or areas of focus. In 2019 they joined the KISS Programme a triple bottom line event, where they achieve reunite different “desert’s users” aimed to promote education in local schools, total protection of the service areas, benefit local communities, amongst other things.

FIM Women in Motorcycling Trophy
The FIM Women in Motorcycling Trophy may be conferred on individuals, groups or organisations who have made a significant contribution to enhancing awareness of women in motorcycling or who have implemented projects/initiatives to improve the presence of women in all motorcycling- related activities. These projects, initiatives or contributions can be related to sporting or non-sporting activities and should be in alignment with FIM Advancing Women in Motorcycling Programme. They should provide mid-term or long-term solutions to help develop the presence of women in all motorcycling-related activities and have lasting effects and impacts on the awareness of women in motorcycling.
South Australia's Motocross girls & women (SA Women in Motorcycling) - Australia
South Australian Motocross, under the Motorcycling South Australia banner, have put a huge effort into girls and women in motocross in South Australia over the past two seasons, and all while being interrupted by COVID-19 and related lockdowns and many other restrictions. The emphasis has been on, not only increasing the numbers of girls and women riding motocross in South Australia, but also to give them their own viable classes and a great platform to get the most out of their careers at a national level.
Australian Women in Motorcycling Program - Australia
The Motorcycling Australia Women’s Committee role is to support the growth and increase in participation and opportunities for women and girls around Australia to be involved in motorcycling. Also, to bring together the motorcycling community by building a central and reliable hub for all women in motorcycling to put forward feedback that will be acknowledged and processed with the respect it deserves. Plus, to share resources, funding opportunities, programs and other industry and sport opportunities. With a view to building relationships with State Controlling Bodies to ensure nation-wide support of any women’s development campaigns and programmes launched. Although this is a national initiative, once developed within Australia, the plan is to offer the programmes to all other FMNs. Our programmes are not specific to Australia and are adaptable to other FMNs in accordance with their local community and policies.