FIM Family Trophy
This FIM Trophy is for projects that cover both sporting and non‐sporting areas, but that must be of particular relevance for the development of motorcycling activities.
Hence the FIM wishes to recognise those who are significant players in the following areas: Innovative projects in the motorcycling world at large / Promotion, training and competitive activities for young people / Improving safety in motorcycling / Improving sustainability in motorcycling / Improving diversity and inclusion in motorcycling / Extending visibility and diffusing motorcycling activities in the world (excluding: TV programmes, social media, exhibitions, etc.) / Developing/using new technologies (medical, technical, etc.) / Use of electric motorcycles and bicycles / Promotion of good behaviour and fair play in motorcycling.
Candidate 1
Motorcycling Australia: Rider Concussion Research and Seminar
This project involves the analysis of medical data, research with riders, medical staff and specialist physicians.
The further goal is to also conduct a Concussion Summit with representatives of teams, riders, specialist doctors and helmet companies to create and evaluate future concussion regulations.

FIM Environmental Trophy
The FIM Environmental Trophy 2022 recognises those who have significantly contributed to the preservation and protection of the environment, encouraging a greater awareness of environmental concerns. All the candidates have done this either through the organisation of sustainable events, by significantly promoting, publicising or supporting the Ride Green Programme, or by enhancing the sustainable practice of motorcycling in another way – making significant contributions to pollution prevention, recycling, green purchasing, addressing environmental and social issues through sport and the generation of development of alternative energy, amongst other key issues
Candidate 1
Discovery Sports: (DSE) Programme - “ Wwe Ccare” Endurance World Championship (EWC)
In 2022, Discovery Sports Events, the promoter of the FIM EWC, has decided to take a step forward in its sustainability strategy for the championship. A season-long calendar has been put in place in line with the FIM's environmental sustainability programmes and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)s. The main objective is to do motorsport in a better way by highlighting sustainability globally, local promoters’ organisers actions, and identifying ambassadors to educate championship fans on environmental and social issues. EWC is signatory of Ssport for Cclimate Aaction (UNFCCC), FIM KISS event certificated and is in its way to obtaining ISO 20121 for all the championship.
Candidate 2
Excelis SAS Circuit Paul Ricard - Ambitious sustainable development strategy
For over ten years, the circuit have been committed to an ambitious sustainable development strategy. Among the main activities is developing the production of photovoltaic electricity on site, research in new and non-fossil energy such as hHydrogen and biofuel in order to have this available for the users of the circuit while at the same time operating a fleet of vehicles that run exclusively on new energies; and set up a community energy system for our the residents.
Plus Furthermore, internal monitoring of various environmental indicators such as water and electricity amongst others.
Candidate 3
Escuderia Castelo Branco - F: first training for enduro kiKids for the FIM Sustainability Wweek
Escuderia de Castelo Branco, with the support of the Portuguese MotorcyclingFederation and the Enduro Sschool, organised the first training of mMini eEnduro where children and young people from all over the country could practice enduro and learn how to practice the sport in a sustainable way aligned with the SDGs. Also, the event itself was delivered with sustainable standards. The young riders jointly with pro riders, received sporting training as well as learning in environmental regulations and responsible behavior. This project was developed in the city of Castelo Branco, located in theinterior of the country, where opportunities for young people are reduced.
Candidate 4
Electric Minibikes Spanish Cup - Ariane Moto
Ariane Moto, as is a company specialised in motorcycle design. They are developing a long-term plan working with grassroots riders. They have created the Ariane K2Re, an electric motorcycle perfect for both RidingSchools as well as for base competitions, which has a very good performance. A project aimed to perform a sustainable and clean competition, providing education, affordablecompetition, passion, knowledge, and technology.

FIM Women in Motorcycling Trophy
The FIM Women in Motorcycling Trophy may be awarded to individuals, groups or organisations who have made a significant contribution to enhancing the awareness of women in motorcycling or who have implemented projects/initiatives to improve the presence of women in all motorcycling-related activities. These projects, initiatives or contributions can be related to sporting or non-sporting activities and should be in alignment with FIM Advancing Women in Motorcycling Programme. They should provide mid-term or long-term solutions to help develop the presence of women in all motorcycling-related activities and have lasting effects and impacts on the awareness of women in motorcycling.
Candidate 1
Women's European Cup (Italy)
The Women's European Cup aims to create more opportunities for women to participate in a sporting championship at international level. Although this is an exclusively women's continental championship, participation is open to all riders from all federations affiliated to the FIM. The visibility offered by the Women's European Cup encourages the participation of women in the races with an increase in the number of women licensed.
Candidate 2
Friné Velilla - MotoGP Media Centre (Spain)
Although it is not a project in the strictest sense, Friné Velilla wants the MotoGP Media Centre to be a kind of refuge for women, where equality and fairness are the norm without distinction between genders when it comes to working in the media covering motorsports. The Media Centre must be a meeting point, where journalists, teams, riders, organisers can meet and get together in a neutral and welcoming space. As a MotoGP media manager and as a woman, she inspires many female students to take up a career in the sport, and her main goal is to break the stereotype that MotoGP is a male dominated sport.
Candidate 3
MissBiker Network (Italy)
MissBiker is the largest network of female motorcyclists in Italy. It is an empowerment platform for female motorcyclists who share goals, issues and advice through the network in a safe space. MissBiker not only promotes and supports women's motorcycling, but also educates manufacturers to reduce inequalities and create more gear, clothing and accessories suitable for women.
Candidate 4
Kim Lea Kempa - International Female Referee (Germany)
Kim Lea Kempa is a sidecar passenger and is also an amateur speedway rider. She wants to use her racing experience to participate in the decisions of the race management by becoming an official. She is both an international sidecar passenger and also a national race director. She is one of the few women in Germany active in sports while being an official and hopes to motivate more women to join her passion.
Candidate 5
Chica Loca (Italy)
Chica Loca is a Motorally adventure dedicated only to female crews. This challenge on enduro motorcycles takes place every year in a different part of the world. The first editions were held in Morocco in 2018 and in Oman in the desert Rub al'Khali in 2020 and Sardinia in 2021. Chica Loca is a mix of travel, adventure, discovery and personal achievement; an off-road challenge performed like a real RallyMoto. The race is managed by Enrica Perego, the MotoRally champion, and is distinguished by the presence of 100% female participants. The riders must pass the selection to which each year more than 100 women present themselves to.
Candidate 6
Giulietta Cheraft (Belgium)
Giulietta is a very young rider aged only seven and the girl in Belgium of that age to ride mini bikes – Ohvale and Bucci plus other bikes. She has no classmates or friends to share her passion with, but she never gives up. Every weekend, she gets up early to go to a neighbouring country, France or Holland, to train with her bike alongside other riders as encouraged by her parents. She combines school and her passion as best she can with the support of her family, hoping to be able to share her passion with other young girls one day soon.
Candidate 7
Beatrice Barbera - Team GP AD11 (Italy)
The Team GP3 AD11 it is a completely South American team and was born in 2020 in Italy. Its motto to allow riders from South America to race in Europe, more precisely female riders to race in the Women's European Cup. In the team they had riders from Chile, Colombia and Brazil. In June 2021 the rider Isis Carreño participated as a wild card in the Misano round in the Supersport 300 category in the WorldSBK (first Latin American woman in this category) and in 2022 she climbed the second step of the podium as the first Latin American woman in the Women's European Cup. The Team has an interest in the growth of female motorcycling and in the female riders of South America.

FIM Road Safety Trophy
2022 will see the eleventh edition of the FIM Road Safety Trophy was instituted as part of the FIM’s contribution to the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety. Naturally the trophy is focused on improving road safety for riders of powered two-wheelers – motorcycles, scooters and mopeds. Examples of past winners include initiatives that introduced low-cost motorcycle safety helmets to middle and low-income countries, helmet medical cards, safety rating systems, risk awareness, rider training manuals and road safety training for riders and other road users.
Candidate 1
Edustrada – PNES Project
Edustrada project and its digital platform - www.edustrada.it, created by Italian Ministry of Education in 2017, offer thousands of Italian schools and teachers training tools on road safety, legality, and sustainable mobility, thanks to a hybrid ecosystem, which includes face-to-face initiatives and distance learning experiences, with dedicated, often interactive and multimedia teaching materials.
The Project features a high-profile partnership, where the Ministry of Education coordinates the projects activated on a national scale by the major institutional and associative realities in the field of road safety, but also of its users as cyclists, motorcyclists or motorists.
Candidate 2
Learn to survive
Learn to Survive is a project that aims at reducing the number and especially the consequences of traffic accidents involving motorcyclists. Since 2010, the project has been focusing on improving the preparation of drivers - motorcyclists, from theory through psychology to practical experience. Since the beginning of the project, BESIP has been the guarantor of the project and supervised the correctness and progress of the project activities. The most effective way to achieve this is through training in the safe environment of driving circuit and polygons.
Since 2020, the Autoclub of the Czech Republic, the Liberec Region and several other partners have been involved in the project to help with its implementation. In 2022, the project is being run in collaboration with the Directorate of Traffic Police Services of the Police Presidium of the Czech Republic with the Association of Safe Driving Centres.
Candidate 3
Ride Pro
Ride Pro have been established for 9 years, as the Hub that brings together the different actors of the ecosystem of work on wheels and safe mobility in Colombia. Driving with social innovation, collaborative economy platforms, technology and strategy, initiatives that positively impact the lives of thousands of Colombians. Ride Pro has a unique private training space in the country with an area of 2,600 square metres. A specialised training centre for motorcycle workers, which has virtual reality simulators for behaviour change. Their main objective encompasses better driving of the work vehicle and personal management on the roads. They also work to reduce the lethality of accidents.

FIM Award for the Future
The FIM Award for the Future is aimed at rewarding those who have contributed to improving and developing the presence of youngsters in all motorcycling related activities. These projects, initiatives or contributions can be related to sporting or non-sporting activities and provide mid-term or long-term solutions such as competitive opportunities at national, continental or international level, promoting role models and developing mentoring programmes, creating new competitions or classes or be innovations from the industry or manufacturers dedicated specifically to youngsters.
Candidate 1
Ariane K2Re Electric Minibike
After intense development work, ArianeTech presents the new K2Re, an electric competition minibike capable of competing with traditional petrol powered minibikes. With its 6.5 kW of power, its electric motor is capable of providing performance on a par with more traditional combustion models. With its great experience developing from scratch both street motorcycles and scooters and competition motorcycles, among which the Ariane2 stands out with its title of Moto2 European Champion, ArianeTech decided to face the new challenge of designing and manufacturing an electric competition minibike. The result of this approach is the spectacular K2Re, a motorcycle designed for riders between the age of 3 and 10 and which, being electric, has very little maintenance and is environmentally friendly and without emissions.
Candidate 2
Molenaar NSF100 Championship for Kids
Since 2009 former GP-racer and team owner Arie Molenaar and his wife Carla, have been running the NSF100 Championship for kids in Holland. Without them there would be no racing kids in Holland at all. They have their own infrastructure, so kids between 9 and 13 can get a real motorcycle, all the gear and full coaching for a small amount of money. It is totally independent and runs its own course. The series is the ideal base for all kids coming from minibikes and motorcross, helping them adjust to bigger bikes and working in a team.
Candidate 3
Riding Blind Project
Motorcycling Australia's State Body Motorcycling Queensland, created the Riding Blind Project (RBP) which is an activity for partially to totally blind riders wishing to experience the freedom and exhilaration of motorcycling. RBP aims to provide a safe and viable environment, as well as proper guidance and coaching to enable safe participation for visually impaired riders. RBP also aims to develop a base of navigators so that riders can have the freedom to participate at times and places of their choosing in future.
Candidate 4
Yamaha bLU cRU Project
The Yamaha bLU cRU project spans both off-road and road racing disciplines and has been designed to make racing accessible to youngsters throughout Europe. In MX more than 390 riders Europe wide registered to contest the Yamaha YZ bLU cRU FIM Europe Cup in 2022, with 120 riders then selected to contest the series final, which ran alongside the MXGP France. 15 riders were then selected from the SuperFInale to go onto the bLU cRU Masterclass from which one rider will be selected for a fully supported ride in the EMX125 Championship in 2023 plus one rider in each of the 65 and 85 classes will also receive financial support for the 2023 season. In road racing, European Yamaha distributors run R3 Cups or Challenges designed specifically for young rider, while Yamaha Motor Europe runs the R3 bLU cRU EuropeanCup at six rounds of the FIM Superbike World Championship for riders aged between 14 and 20 years. The winner of this series receives a fully supported ride in the FIM Supersport 300 World Championship the following season.